Later that day we had our library program that Trent always loves going too. This time he got to make a snowman and brought it home to dad! We stocked our library book bag full of books and headed home. Before leaving Trent always asks to go check out a movie and every time he pics baby Einstein! He has every movie made from baby Einstein so I guess there is just something about getting the ones from the library. Not to mention he is a little old to watch it, but hey, he likes it so we get it!
Later that week, Taylor and I went to do a little grocery shopping. She LOVES to shop! ALREADY!! You give her a bag of crackers and a cup of milk and she will just ride and smile the whole time. I think she just likes all the attention from everyone. So now every time you open up the coat closet, she is right behind you waiting to put on her coat! Ya gotta love a girl that likes to go!
I love the Stone babies! You guys are so much fun! So glad the weather is better and we are back to seeing each other so often! It was weird not being around people!